Week 9 Report

This ninth week of the REU program was more dedicated to continuing to gather participants and conducting studies to gather data. Last week I was able to get only eight partipants to be involded and conduct the study. I was hoping to have 10 studies done by the end of last week but I was not able to do that but throughout this week I was able to figure out times to meet with partipants who were interested and I was able to gather 12 more partipants and finish with gathering data for 20 studies. In between the studies, I worked on uploading and labeling the partipants’ information in the correct folder such as their consent form by labeling it to their study ID number like this, “ConsentFormID_XX” and as well labeled the recording to their id number, “ID_XX.” Once that is completed I went ahead and transcribe their follow-up questions responses onto a google document for the purpose to delete the recording in the future and conducting thematic analysis on their responses.

Once I completed about 60% of the studies and the transcription, I went ahead and conducted thematic analysis on those responses and found common themes for each condition and overall themes. While this was happening, Ramzy was working on preparing the Update 3 presentation and started to fill in the information to discuss during our presentation. I went ahead and added the thematic analysis that I found to the presentation. Later at the end of the week, we meet with Dr. Raja and Akhter to discuss our findings so far and our analysis procedure. We received tremendous helpful feedback from both of them and we received more information from Dr. Raja on what goals we need to achieve for next week! That goal is to complete the analysis and put our paper together. Also, make a poster board of our paper and prepare a final presentation discussing all of our research. I plan on finishing transcribing the rest of the participants’ responses and conduct thematic analysis on such responses!

Written on July 23, 2021