Week 2 Report

I entered the second week of the program with much more stability. I was aware of what I needed to do and what goals I need to accomplish for this week. After finding multiple articles/papers relating to Captions UI/UX and digesting the content within each article/paper. We were able to start constructing the literature review. We have made tremendous progress in terms of the literature review and shaping it to fit our research questions/goals. While constructing it and getting feedback from our mentors. We were able to get a more narrow idea of what we want to do for our research. While focusing on captions UI/UX we want to see how to combine speaker indicators and emotions and display that within the captions. One possible avenue of research could include the use of Apple’s memoji feature to show speaker indicators and emotions within captions.

On top of constructing the literature review, we also started to develop the first update PowerPoint of our progress so far. Using this as a guideline of what to do next while putting down what we have done so far. This helped us with our game plan and tackling the next goal we want to accomplish. Also, we got more information relating to Akhter’s study and we plan on doing a practice study to make sure we are ready to conduct and gather data.

As the third week is coming up, we want to finish and clean up the literature review and fully flesh out our research question and begin to start thinking about how we can approach this research question and be prepared to present our work so far.

Written on May 28, 2021