Week 10 Report

Heading to the last week of the REU program, I did not expect the time to go by so fast. But regardless I have had a wonderful experience so far. I learned so much from this program from how to conduct research, gather information to develop a literature review, self-accountability, independent research, gathering data, developing a study plan, developing stimuli, giving presentations, analyzing data, and many more skills I have improved and learned. I cannot thank the program’s advisor and my team project for helping me out throughout the program.

For this final week, it is more of finding the data analysis and interpreting it to our research question and start working on the final research paper. At the same time, we constructed our final presentation and poster board to present to the program. As of 7/30/2021 all of those are done and I cannot believe that I was able to actually do research and made a paper about it. I am excited for what to come as the paper could be published and I could go to different conventions which is amazing! I thank everyone for letting me be a part of this study, this gave me invaluable experiences that I can’t get anywhere else.

Written on July 30, 2021